A Reading List (By Request)

I have promised about a dozen people that I have a list of reading for the work I attempt to do. That work is at the intersection of education, organizations, and inequality. It’s what I would call critical org theory, if I were so allowed. Basically, I argue that organizational characteristics — like their profitRead More “A Reading List (By Request)”

Twitter Tactics Talk at Emory’s Center for Injury Control

The regular readers know that I make a habit of posting powerpoints before a talk. I find it saves participants from copious note-taking. That makes for a more engaged room. [slideshare id=22973450&style=border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px&sc=no] Ecictt from Tressie McPhd In the presentation I mention several resources. They follow: #followanadult London School of Economics TwitterRead More “Twitter Tactics Talk at Emory’s Center for Injury Control”