When is a Real College A Real College?

Does college promise you a job? That’s the gist of recent Borrower Repayment Defense Rule, covered today in the Washington Post by Jeffrey Selingo: A little-known rule called Borrower Defense to Repayment, which is making its way through the regulatory process in Washington, initially was aimed at cracking down on the fraudulent behavior of for-profit colleges.Read More “When is a Real College A Real College?”

What Now?

That’s the question. What now? As in, what has happened NOW? What do we DO now? We are in the middle of a long, hot summer in a series of hard, complicated days. I do not have much else to say about police violence, race, racism, bias, and inequality that I haven’t said before. TheRead More “What Now?”

I Went To A Trump Rally

I went to a Trump rally last week in Richmond, VA. Here are some comments and thoughts from my live tweeting/ field notes: https://storify.com/tressiemcphd/that-time-i-went-to-a-trump-rally That Time I Went To A Trump Rally https://t.co/nIksM6l3QX via @tressiemcphd — Tressie Mc (@tressiemcphd) June 15, 2016 Trump appeals to many of the “beautiful people” even though the narrative isRead More “I Went To A Trump Rally”

Maybe God Is A (Wonder) Woman?

I saw Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. Bless its heart. Cultural critique isn’t my wheelhouse but I am a fan of superhero movies. I don’t follow the comic books because I don’t like pictures. They get in the way of my imagination. Despite this, I am drawn to comics on the big screen where IRead More “Maybe God Is A (Wonder) Woman?”

On Sanders and HBCUs

When I spoke with the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign about recent political chatter about historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) I had three points I hoped someone important might listen to: Private and public HBCUs are not in competition with each other. The rhetoric from Hillary Clinton and Clinton surrogates suggesting that free tuition at publicRead More “On Sanders and HBCUs”

Sportsball and For-Profit Legitimacy

My colleague Jon Becker sent me a story today about for-profit Grand Canyon’s (GCU) run in college sports. In it, Michael Reinrab, summarizes a recent GCU tournament run and the controversy around a for-profit college playing in a traditional not-for-profit sports league: Maybe that’s true, and maybe it isn’t, because what makes Grand Canyon suchRead More “Sportsball and For-Profit Legitimacy”