The SSS Paper: “Get Off Your Couch!”

Audience members asked and I promised to provide a copy of the paper I presented this week. It is a working draft. [scribd id=138760131 key=key-ba0xc42maeb6c1v3z6i mode=scroll]

Race and Grad School, Redux

I have had many interesting discussions about my essay on race, reality and “don’t go!” graduate school advice. I thank the Chronicle of Higher Ed for picking it up. I revised their printing with a clear statement that, I hoped, responded to comments I had already received on my blog: This is not an argumentRead More “Race and Grad School, Redux”

Blanket “Don’t Go To Graduate School!” Advice Ignores Race and Reality?

When I decided to return to graduate school I was about as devoid of prestige as one can be. I was old, from a no-name undergraduate university (worse, maybe, an HBCU!), I lacked social capital, my undergraduate performance was fine but not stellar, and I did not know the difference between sociology and anthropology. Fortunately,Read More “Blanket “Don’t Go To Graduate School!” Advice Ignores Race and Reality?”