Upcoming Talks

I said this would be the semester I don’t go to every conference. Promises, promises. It looks like I will be the Southeastern Women’s Studies Association conference in Greensboro this April. The talk is based on my experiences of using social media to talk back to powerful organizations. You can likely intuit the case study.Read More “Upcoming Talks”

Towards A Critical Org Theory

Contemporary stratification scholars are unlikely to deny the claim that organizations are the primary site of the production and allocation of inequality in modern societies. Although there is considerable consensus on this point, until recently the use of organizational data to study inequality was rare, due at least in part to the plentiful individual-level dataRead More “Towards A Critical Org Theory”

There Is No Race in Organizations

I continue to work on a comparative case of organizational structures in higher education. T’is what I do. Central to my theorizing and empirical work is that organizations reproduce racial, gender, and class inequality. You would think that goes without saying but race is seriously under-theorized and researched in organizational studies. For a long time,Read More “There Is No Race in Organizations”